Project launch and identification of additional synergies

Related assumptions and risksAssumptions:-  we assume that the Ministries of Education and Health have good relationships with the partner institutions to facilitate the involvement of representatives from the Ministries in the launch workshopsRisks:-  Cultural differences are a risk to every capacity building project. We will mitigate this through (1) an open dialogue in the preparation phase (2) South-South collaboration between Indonesia and Cambodia, (3) the fact that every North partner involved has at least 20 years of experience working in the global South. 
DescriptionThe preparation work package serves to publish (report, scientific article) the pre-project analyses that have been executed based on desk studies, two workshops and one preparation mission. Given that this is a fast-moving domain, the analysis made prior to the project proposal will also be updated. A report and a scientific article will be edited on digital health in the SEA region and made publicly available. To launch the project, disseminate the results of the prior analysis report and allow for exchange, a project kick-off meeting will be organized. Cultural and technical differences in approach between partners will be discussed and taken into account through an actualized priorities plan for each partner. During the preparation phase, the consortium agreement will also be finalized based on mutual agreement and prior discussions. 
Tasks1) Summarize and report the existing digital health activities in the region and identify additional synergies.2) Organize an event on digital health in the SEA region, including project kick-off.
Estimated Start Date(dd-mm-yyyy)15-11-2019Estimated End Date(dd- mm-yyyy)30-03-2020
 Lead OrganisationUNS
Participating OrganisationUGM, ITC, UHS, NIPH, UM/SHE, ITM
CostsThis work package involves a limited number of staff days (130 in total). A conference on digital health in the SEA region combined with the project launch will be organized. The goal of this workshops is to invite experts working in digital health in the region and representatives of the Ministries of Education and Health to participate in the kick-off event. This will allow for exchange and identification of potential further synergies. During the same event, the project partners will sign the consortium agreement. The workshop will be facilitated by ITM and take place at UGM. Total cost of travel and stay for this WP: 23.240,00 euro. 






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