Experiences with the introduction of (technological) innovations show that the take up of innovation is not evident. Cultural, contextual, systemic, infrastructural and material constraints require alignment of the innovation to the particular conditions constituting the setting into which it is introduced. To enhance alignment, and consequently take up, of the electronic information and innovative pedagogical approaches in this project the principles of co-creation are applied: Major end-users will be involved in the design and, as far as applicable, implementation of the electronic information and the innovative pedagogical approaches.
However, as different end-users will have different needs and expectations about what the innovation is supposed to do for them, they will also use different criteria to assess the quality and the impact of the innovation. To enhance take up and to assess the quality of the innovations we will closely follow and evaluate the co-creation process itself. Using their own assessment criteria, the positive and negative experiences of the different end-users will be explored, allowing further alignment of both the technological as well as pedagogical innovation proposed.
Making results available timely in order to allow adjustment of innovations or to improve the co-creation process is a difficult task. An agile co-creation process needs quick adjustments. This is not always easy within HEIs. This risk will be mitigated by collaborating with an external subcontractor (InSTEDD) who will facilitate workshops independently and by taking up user feedback as quickly as possible. Finally, we will ensure management and monitoring committee oversight on progress.
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