Health library vision statements
Health library vision statements were developed to direct the future of the libraries at the National Institute of Public Health, the University of Health Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Sebelas Maret. On this page you can find the library vision statements.
National Institute of Public Health – School of library health librarian
Our vision is to empower students, lecturers, and staff to become ethical users, critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, and skillful researchers. We will ensure equality and freedom to access all public health information through integrated learning activities and through a collection of diverse learning resources including digital resources.
2. Mission
The library mission is to spread the habit of reading and searching by connecting our students, lecturers, researchers or staff with the resources, technology, and critical thinking skills they need to inspire learning.
3.Library innovation
The library innovation aims to always seeking new and better ways of working with the students, lecturers, and staff. The SPH library supports students learning by providing free open access, instruction, services, and spaces to support the educational and professional goals of our students, lecturers, researchers, and staff members. A newly created Moodle page will be further enriched and used to communicate to students about open access tools to search for academic literature, the use of reference tools and the importance of detecting plagiarism. Within these modules there is sufficient attention towards creating a critical attitude about the identified resources and how to work with this material in a professional matter. The Cambodia Journal of Public health is also one of the tools to realize the vision and mission of the School of Library. The Cambodia Journal of Public Health which has a professional reviewer’s board allows master students to get familiar with research skills and scientific writing. It is a great opportunity for these students as it further increases their chances for a scientific career by giving them a first opportunity to publish. An open access module was developed to guide master students and professionals on how to submit abstracts, this will be complemented by face-to-face teaching on abstract writing. This follows the vision of the School of Library to have diverse learning resources including both digital and more conventional teaching methods.
University of Health Sciences – Health librarian innovation vision
The University of Health Sciences is the leading health university in Cambodia, established since 1946.
The innovation vision of the University of Health Sciences library concentrates itself on three main themes:
Literacy among students, researchers and staff is an essential competence. Identifying literature, choosing, evaluating, and using the right information is important, as well as identifying the rights ways to publish own research. We aim to make this more feasible through websites and mobile devices application on topics such as PubMed, Research for Life (HINARI), Google Scholar, Therapeutic Guidelines, Web of Sciences, MEDBOX, HITIHE and WikiTropica. Part of this material is already developed as part of the Erasmus+ HITIHE project. The knowledge and experience gained through this project will facilitate the development of further online modules aiming to enhance literacy.
2. User driven
Our library innovation vision includes setting up our library to be a place that focus on the interaction with students, lecturers, and public with a very good environment and view by modernizing infrastructures, equipment, and adding more printing resources to support learning, teaching, and research activities. For the library services, we aim to provide very good library services physically and digitally by connecting and developing digital systems and databases.
3. Online strategy
We aim to provide greater access to the services and collection of the University of Health Sciences Library. We have invested in infrastructures, furniture, equipment and supplies. Furthermore, key staff of the library have been trained in making videos and online modules as part of the HITIHE project. These acquired competency will be used to invest in an online strategy for the university.
Currently the UHS library still has some shortage when it comes to human and capital resources including skill librarians, facilities and documentations support learning, teaching, and research. To achieve the above innovation vision, we do need technical support to train our librarians on library technical, and financial support to modernize our library facilities, otherwise our library will be developed very slowly. The networks and experience gained through the Erasmus+ funded HITIHE project provide a good catalyst to look for further external funding resources for the library, as well as internal knowledge sharing.
Universitas Sebelas Maret – Building access to health information (a brief description of the UNS library)
The UNS Library, as a learning center, provides collections and services according to the faculty’s needs. Librarians must adjust to each faculty’s needs in supporting the learning process. In this case, the librarian must be able to provide the required literature and how to obtain the literature. The faculty of medicine has collaborated with the Erasmus+ HITIHE project in developing e-modules related to access to health information literature. These e-modules were formed in 2021-2023. The concept is to strengthen access to digital information in health through capacity building. Students, staff, and lecturers can use this e-module to support the learning process at the faculty of medicine.
The use of e-modules is related to using electronic devices and internet technologies to deliver various content to enable learning. Several UNS academics still need to get this capability. For this, UNS designs training-related capacity skill development.
As a growing organism, the library can foster an academic atmosphere following the ever-evolving technological changes and make students, staff, and lecturers digitally literate in accessing information so that they become independent learners and produce quality research.
The library exists as a provider of quality and reliable information. Knowledge and skill to search and evaluate collections are the main requirements that librarians must have. Librarians are also required to educate students to have critical thinking awareness regarding receiving health information from various sources on the internet. Reliable and quality sources will produce quality work as well. Seeing this phenomenon, the library provides scientific library clinical services (Klinik Pustaka Ilmiah) to assist students with quality research publications.
Our measurements focus on services to the faculty of medicine. Success is measured by a 10% yearly increase in Scopus-indexed publications in medicine and health professions. Considering the condition of human resources, for this, UNS library will design training-related capacity skill development. The targets are staff, students, and lecturers. Its focus is on e-learning and how to get open access to high-quality resources for health information.
The training will be divided into two sessions:
- Training for Students (online or offline)
- January: Graduate Students (PPDS)
- August: Graduate Students (PPDS)
- September: Bachelor students
- Training for staff and lecturers (offline)
Staff and lecturers’ training is carried out offline to provide what will keep them motivated and engaged. It is crucial because they become students’ teachers. By conducting these two sessions, the role of the health librarian will be seen as supporting universities’ goals of developing and maintaining successful research programs.
Vision Statement
The UNS Library is a learning resource center for academics in supporting their digital literacy skills and electronic sources.
- The library provides a variety of quality literature according to the needs of the faculty.
- The library provides various services according to the needs of the faculty.
- The library builds digital literacy skills for all academics through training and technology-based tools to support learning.
- The library enriches e-module learning content through the website as e-learning for UNS students.
Universitas Gadjah Mada – Health library in the future
Introduction and rationale
The Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FMPNH), Universitas Gadjah Mada(UGM), has got a commitment to being world-class innovative, and excellent in educationthrough the three pillars of higher education (Tri Dharma of Higher Education). Along withthe times, digital transformation is inevitable including in the education learning process,therefore, the FMPHN is also committed to becoming a smart digital campus which hasbeen stated in its strategic plan. Health literacy is crucial in this scenario, particularly for theteaching and learning process, since it provides deeper knowledge for everyone involved.Therefore, the health library acts as the education system’s catalyst through the informationprovided for users. Specifically, the following tasks are identified as crucial for the healthlibrary of FMPHN UGM:
- Organizing, processing, and providing literature services, in order to support the TriDharma of Higher Education, especially the FMPHN academic community
- Providing literature search guid ance to students
- Facilitating access to the latest scientific information sources both available in print andonline
- Documenting scientific work (undergraduate theses, theses, and dissertations) of FMPHN academics
HITIHE Erasmus +
The Health Information and Technology for Improved Health inEducation in South-East Asia (HITIHE) Erasmus+ project alignedwith the long-term vision of the faculty to have these processesalso (partly) digitalized. After the pandemic, digital literacy hasincreased significantly. A lot of factors give an impact such as theshift in way of doing research. However, the resources providedin the library of FMPHN UGM still need to be adequate asexpected. Through capacity building for health librarians in thisproject, the health librarian obtained a better understanding ofdeveloping library e-modules related to health literacy whichusers need. This will help the librarian itself and library users ingeneral. HITIHE project has helped design modules that areeasier to deliver, therefore reaching a broader audience. Forexample, the library of FMPHN UGM has completed an e-moduleabout how to find health literature on Google Scholar. GoogleScholar act like an open gate for users to screen the topic theyare looking for in a wide range of web search, so they have adescription of the topic. This e-module and the others developedare helpful resource for the library as one of its missions is todeliver a guide for health literature searching. This interestingand interactive media is expected to help the users tounderstand the content better as they can also follow it on theirpace. Therefore, this project has assisted in bringing the healthlibrary to the future.
Concrete steps
Along with this, the UGM Health Library would like to:
- Develop more modules based on users’ needs (including paraphrasing and scoping reviews)
- Disseminate the modules to users
- Promote the modules through social media, including the website, Facebook fan page and Instagram of the health library account with useful information regarding health literacy.
The future
Hence, the health library of the Faculty of Medicine, PublicHealth, and Nursing UGM will equip the students and users withthe ability to find adequate information on health literacysupporting the faculty’s commitment to being world-classinnovative, and excellent in education through the three pillars ofhigher education (Tri Dharma of Higher Education).