Related assumptions and risks | Work Package and Outcome | 4 | |
Assumptions:- We assume that HEI management is fully agreeing with the project and supports the information flow within the partner HEIs.- We assume that social media will have a snowball effect on the use of the platforms, given the ubiquitous use of social media in both target countries.- We assume that the information provided in the platforms is useful to healthcare facilities (we have several indications this is, in fact, the case but will also follow-up during the project and listen to specific needs of this different target group).Risks:- In Cambodia, there is a risk of restriction on social media in the future. We mitigate this risk by using many other communication channels, such as an independent website and a mobile App.- Healthcare staff may see some of the information on the platforms as competition and therefore discourage others from using this information. We will mitigate this by (1) a good explanation and disclaimer on the website, explaining its purposes, in all local and international languages, (2) by a good communication strategy towards potential users and (3) by offering several feedback options so potential users can inform us of errors or needs electronically. | |||
Description | This work package involves a number of staff days totalling 620.1) Workshops (F, R): in the platform follow-up workshops, two goals will be addressed: (1) to follow-up the use of the platforms by some key users (the most advanced or most frequent users) and to disseminate the platforms existence to a wider audience, by inviting some new key stakeholders, e.g. from other HEIs in the region with a health sciences faculty.2) Subcontracting: InSTEDD will support the dissemination and exploitation of the platform by organizing workshops at the partner institutions and by promoting the platforms actively within their network of contacts in the region through a part-time staff member specialized in community engagement. InSTEDD will study how to distribute the digital platforms best to all healthcare facilities and HEIs in the SEA region. Traditionally, HEI do not have a lot of experience with dissemination and InSTEDD is specialized in this topic in the region. Cost: 40.000 euro.3) Subcontracting: InSTEDD: InSTEDD will be involved to support research on the uptake of the digital health platforms within and beyond the partner HEIs. 4) Total cost of travel and stay for this WP: 49.640,00 euro | ||
Tasks | 1) Organize workshops to disseminate the use of digital health information platforms to other health sciences HEIs in the SEA region.2) Build capacity of the health librarians.3) Develop and follow-up the project communication plan.4) Promote the use of digital platforms in healthcare facilities in concertation with the relevant ministries. | ||
Estimated Start Date(dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-11-2019 | Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 14-11-2022 |
Lead Organisation | NIPH | ||
Participating Organisation | UGM, UNS, UHS, ITC, ITM, UM/SHE, VHIR, ISGlobal (Subcontractor: InSTEDD) | ||
CostsPlease explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. | This work package involves a number of staff days totalling 620.1) Workshops (F, R): in the platform follow-up workshops, two goals will be addressed: (1) to follow-up the use of the platforms by some key users (the most advanced or most frequent users) and to disseminate the platforms existence to a wider audience, by inviting some new key stakeholders, e.g. from other HEIs in the region with a health sciences faculty.2) Subcontracting: InSTEDD will support the dissemination and exploitation of the platform by organizing workshops at the partner institutions and by promoting the platforms actively within their network of contacts in the region through a part-time staff member specialized in community engagement. InSTEDD will study how to distribute the digital platforms best to all healthcare facilities and HEIs in the SEA region. Traditionally, HEI do not have a lot of experience with dissemination and InSTEDD is specialized in this topic in the region. Cost: 40.000 euro.3) Subcontracting: InSTEDD: InSTEDD will be involved to support research on the uptake of the digital health platforms within and beyond the partner HEIs.4) Total cost of travel and stay for this WP: 49.640,00 euro |

Disseminate the use of the digital platforms to health sciences’ students and staff of other (non-partner) HEIs and encourage exploitation by healthcare professionals in the SEA region
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